去年年底,我利用閒暇時間1修好了 Firefox 的 Segment Break Transformation Rules 實做(Bug 1081858)。從 Firefox 52 開始,HTML 裡面中文與中文之間的換行,瀏覽器排版時不會顯示為空白。
閱讀全文 CSS Text 3: Segment Break Transformation Rules月份: 2017 年 7 月
CSS Text 3: Segment Break Transformation Rules
At the end of last year, I used my free time1 to fix Firefox Implementation of Segment Break Transformation Rules (Bug 1081858). Starting from Firefox 52, the line breaks between Chinese and Chinese in HTML will not be displayed as blank in the browser.
閱讀全文 CSS Text 3: Segment Break Transformation Rules